
Today in class we did a butterfly experiment. We colored a butterfly's body (not a real one) to match somthing in the room and tried to see if it wasn't found we did five trials to find it. It was about camoflodgue and how prey hides from the predators. A teacher from our school came and tried to find them. We did this last week. This happpened in out classroom. We did this so we know about how prey camoflodgue from predators. I liked this because this gives us hands on experiance about camoflodgue and prredator prey relationships.


Venezuela's satllite launched from China

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 blast off of the new Venezuela satellite Simon Bolivar. The new satellite launched from China for the Venezuelans as part an agreement between the two governments. The new satellite is for all of South America's rural villages, who can now receive the education or the medical help they need because not because they live in the city or are rich; but because they can now arrange the help to come to them. The satellite was launched by China because Venezuela has no launch facilities. The satellite was launched October 29Th 2008, Venezuela's first claim to space the new colonizing race. I think this is good because they aren't a super rich country and this will put them on the map for the space race for the future years, and this will help all the other South American countries to get better medicine and education. Ω


Growing Diamonds

Did you know that new methods have given the scientists the ability to grow diamonds through chemical vapor deposition. The scientists that are involved are from Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. and instead of using high pressures like diamonds are formed naturally they use low pressures but 2,000°C. These new methods make growing a diamond much easier and less chance of turning the diamond into graphite. the method was published in the October 27 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The scientists have done this research so they can make better, bigger diamonds. This is bad because they have done this despite the GLOBAL ECONOMY CRISIS!!! Bigger diamonds will just be more expensive only for the rich. the only good thing those will be for making world records of the largest synthetic diamond, these are a waste of time and money they should spend that money on stopping global warming or Eco-city research or hydrogen powered cars.

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The Patriots are in the lead. YES!!!!



I read a good book today it is called The Pact.
I aslo read Nick of Time it is a good book on time travel and WWII.

Smart Board

The SMART board in our class is the best educational tool since the Internet. You can write in digital ink so your mistakes are not as bad and you can write on a picture to describe it or point out mistakes on it. The board also has a touch screen to move graphs and charts and perform tasks quickly and show the class models and videos about the item we're learning about today. Also it has many tools to help you enhance a class to provide more learning to the students. some more information I found is that SMART tech company was the first company to make an interactive whiteboard starting in the year 1991. There is also an expansion slot for buttons to control the white board without a computer. I agree to my earlier statement that the smart board is the best educational tool since the computer. I think it is the best tool because the digital ink for writing easily and the touch screen helps using the information to use to compare data sheets and science information. The cool extra features that come with it make it all the more fun to use while learning.

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Patriots lost to the chargers so sad!



Hi I am bookworm and i look forward to blogging.