Today I researched a disease called Patau syndrome or Tristan 13 because the children born with this disease have an extra copy of of their parents chromosome. This disease was discovered in 1657 by Eramus Bartholan but it was ascertained by Dr. Klaus Patau in 1960. Some of the symptoms of this disease are a cleft lip, missing an eye, under developed brain (not formed into hemispheres.), lung problems and heart problems mental disorders and extra fingers or toes. There is no cure for this disease but doctors can fix the extra fingers or lung or heart problems but not the brain so they will never be fully cured. Most babies with this disease 82% die during the first month and 5-10% die in the first year most die before adulthood only one man made it to 33yrs old. This disease infects 1:16,000 people. babies are most vulnerable to this disease because you get it when you are born. The cells of the person are deformed because they have an extra copy of of the chromosome. there is no way to prevent this disease. They need to know how to cure the brain of this disease. i think this is really sad because it is almost a one way ticket to death and no cure or way to prevent it makes it sad for the kids who have it and their family's. Plus they didn't ask for the disease and they got it.
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